What is the Heart Chakra?

The Heart Chakra, known as Anahata in Sanskrit, is the fourth primary energy centre located in the centre of the chest, at the level of the heart. It governs our capacity for love, compassion, forgiveness and emotional balance, serving as the bridge between the lower and higher chakras.

Element: The Heart Chakra is associated with the element of Air, symbolising freedom, expansion and the breath of life. Air represents the flow of energy, communication and the exchange of love and compassion.

Colour: The primary colour associated with the Heart Chakra is green, representing healing, growth and harmony. Green symbolises renewal, balance and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Symbol: The symbol of the Heart Chakra typically depicts a twelve petaled lotus flower with two interseting triangles inside, forming a six pointed star. The lotus represents purity and spiritual growth, while the intersecting triangles symbolise the union of the earthly and divine energies.

Mantra: The mantra commonly associated with the Heart Chakra is "YAM" (pronounced as "yam"). This seed mantra corresponds to the energy of the Heart Chakra and is believed to resonate with its frequency, helping to balance and activate this energy centre.

Location: The Heart Chakra is located in the centre of the chest, at the level of the heart and is associated with the cardiac plexus.

What is the Heart Chakra associated with?

Love and Compassion: The Heart Chakra governs our capacity for love, compassion and empathy. It influences our ability to give and receive love unconditionally, fostering connections with others and the world around us.
Emotional Healing: This chakra is associated with emotional healing and forgiveness, allowing us to release past wounds, resentments and emotional baggage.
Harmony and Balance: The Heart Chakra promotes harmony and balance in all aspects of life, fostering peace, acceptance and understanding.
Relationships and Connection: It plays a vital role in forming healthy, meaningful relationships and cultivating a sense of connection with others, fostering empathy and mutual respect.

Self Acceptance and Self Love: The Heart Chakra influences our relationships with ourselves, promoting self acceptance, self love and inner peace.

What are the signs of imbalance in the Heart Chakra?

Closed off Heart: Imbalances in the Heart Chakra can manifest as a closed off heart, emotional numbness or difficulty connecting with others on an emotional level.
Difficulty with Boundaries: A blocked Heart Chakra may result in difficulty setting healthy boundaries, leading to codependant or toxic relationships.
Resentment and Bitterness: Individuals with an imbalanced Heart Chakra may hold onto resentments, grudges or unresolved emotional wounds, hindering their ability to experience love and compassion.
Lack of Self Love: Issues related to self love, self compassion or self acceptance may indicate an imbalance.

Relationship Issues: Challenges in relationships, such as conflicts, lack of intimacy or difficulty forming meaningful connections, may stem from an imbalance in the Heart Chakra.

How do I balance and heal my Heart Chakra?

Heart Chakra Meditation: Practice meditation focusing on the Heart Chakra, visualising a glowing green light in the centre of your chest while chanting the mantra "YAM" to promote balance and harmony.
Heart Opening Yoga Poses: Incorporate yoga poses that open the chest and heart area, such as Camel Pose (Ustrasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) or Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) to release tension and expand the heart space.
Practice Loving Kindness: Cultivate practices of loving kindness (Metta) meditation and compassion towards yourself and others, fostering empathy, understanding and forgiveness.
Express Gratitude: Practice gratitude by expressing appreciation for the blessings in your life, create a sense of abundance and opening the heart to receive and give love.

What is the healing frequency for the Heart Chakra?

Healing this chakra often involves utilizing specific frequencies that resonate with its vibration, typically around 639 Hz. This frequency is believed to enhance communication, understanding, and harmony in relationships. By listening to or meditating with sounds at 639 Hz, individuals may experience a deepening of emotional connections, increased empathy, and a stronger capacity for forgiveness and love. Incorporating this frequency into healing practices can be an effective way to balance the heart chakra, promoting a harmonious and loving existence both within oneself and in interactions with others. Start healing your Heart Chakra through frequency here.

Essential oils can be a wonderful addition to practices aimed at balancing this energy centre. Here are some ways to use essential oils for Heart Chakra balancing: 
Aromatherapy: DiffusionUse a diffuser to fill your space with the scent of essential oils known for supporting the heart chakra, such as Rose, Jasmine, Lavender or Geranium. Inhaling these aromas can promote feelings of love, compassion and emotional balance. Inhalation - Inhale the aroma of heart chakra balancing essential oils directly from the bottle or by blending with a carrier oil and rubbing some between your palms. Take deep breaths and focus on opening your heart to give and receive love.
Topical Application: Massage - Dilute heart chakra balancing essential oils in a carrier oil and massage them into your chest, heart area or pulse points. This can help release emotional blockages and promote feelings of love and connection. Bath - Place a few drops of essential oils to a carrier oil and add to a warm bath and soak for at least 15-20 minutes. Visualise yourself surrounded by a cocoon of love and compassion as you relax and let go of any emotional tension.
Affirmation and Meditation: Combine the use of essential oils with affirmations or meditation pratices focused on opening and healing the heart chakra. Inhale the scent of the oil while repeating affirmations. Visualise a vibrant green light glowing in your heart centre as you inhale the aroma of the essential oil. Imagine this light expanding with each breath, filling you with love and compassion for yourself and others.
Yoga and Movement: Add heart chakra balancing essential oils to a carrier of your choice and apply to your wrists, chest or heart centre before practicing yoga poses that open the heart. Incorporate yoga poses that open the chest and heart area, such as Camel Pose (Ustrasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) or Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) to release tension and expand the heart space while wearing essential oils for heart chakra balancing. Allow yourself to connect with the love and compassion within you.

Creating a Loving Environment: Use essential oils to create an atmosphere of love and compassion in your space. Diffuse oils like Rose, Bergamot or Neroli during moments of relaxation, meditation or intimate connection. Share essential oils with loved ones during times of celebration, healing or connection to deepen your bond and foster a sense of unity and compassion.

Remember to dilute the essential oils properly before applying them to your skin. Listen to your body and intuition when selecting oils and methods for balancing your root chakra and be consistent in your practice for the best results.